Dies Iræ: Revenge of a Reject is a dark fantasy novella, shining an unsettling light on the darkest side of humanity. Heavily character focused, it deals with subjects such as abuse of power, violence, and the thirst for revenge.

The novella takes its title from the ancient hymn: “Dies Iræ” (Day of Wrath) which has been set to music by composers throughout musical history.
Dies Iræ: Revenge of a Reject is part of the Curse of the Fathers series. The story takes the reader on a journey into the dark underbelly of the Ingravian society. While the events take place several turnings before Night’s Reign, they will have a significant impact on the history of Sor following the dramatic conclusion of Night’s Reign.
Dies Iræ: Revenge of a Reject
In a world ruled by crime and political scheming, morality is a luxury for the weak

“They tortured and humiliated me. They took my identity and everything I loved, and left me for dead at the gates of the Curridge Fermentry Enclave.”
In a world ruled by crime and political scheming, morality is a luxury for the weak. Nobody understands this truth better than Lord Torvik Kovkatim, grandson of the fearsome King Yilva Peronin.
As a royal assassin, he takes pride in upholding the monarchy’s ideals and protecting its citizens. But when he is ordered to take the life of an innocent, his world shatters.
Exiled from the Royal Courts, and crippled for life, Torvik has nothing left to lose. Relentless flashbacks torment him and push him to the brink of madness. As his emotional wounds fester and fuel his hatred, a haunting melody of revenge echoes within him.
Embark on a journey into Torvik’s world and witness his turmoil as the line between sanity and madness blurs. Will his quest for vengeance lead to redemption or plunge him into the abyss of insanity?
A must-read for fans of Robin Hobb’s character-driven tales, Alex Michaelides’ mind-bending psychological intrigue, and Joanne Greenberg’s poignant exploration of human nature.
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Meet the Protagonist

Lord Torvik Kovkatim
Torvik Kovkatim is the Grandson of the late King Volzkan Kovkatim and King Yilva Peronin. Because of his exceptional knife skills, the Seven Kings bestowed the position of Royal Assassin upon him.
His refusal to kill an innocent person earned him a severe flogging, resulting in a permanent physical disability, and Seven Lifetimes of Rejection.
Torvik has blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin.
Buy Dies Iræ

Get Dies Iræ: Revenge of a Reject will be available in paperback and E-book format.
Praise for Dies Iræ
★★★★★ Exceptional dark fantasy novella | ★★★★★ Edge of your seat page turner! |
I thoroughly enjoyed this gripping read. The worldbuilding is very intriguing and quite different for fantasy. (…) It’s an exceptional read, and could be used as a springboard for some very important discussions about the nature of evil and how to truly combat it. I particularly enjoy how the author doesn’t have an abstract evil entity. All the books in set in this world look at the evil humans create through their own actions. | A quick, intense novella that gripped me from the start. I admit this is more tragic and darker than I typically read. There are some pretty heavy topics, but within the socio-political world Katz created here, it is all relevant. By the end, within the context of the world and events, I couldn’t help rooting for the MC and for eye-for-an-eye justice against his tormentors. This is why Katz is one of my favorite authors. |
The Book Dragon’s Hoard by A.V. Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2024 | Avid Reader14 Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2024 |
★★★★★ Gripping! | ★★★★ Brutal. Addictive. Cliffhanger. |
In a breathtaking display of narrative prowess, Daan Katz’s latest novel demands the reader’s undivided attention from start to finish. It’s a masterclass in dark fantasy, weaving a tale of resilience and strength that’s as brutal as it is beautiful. The reader is drawn into a meticulously constructed underworld, populated by characters so vivid they leap off the page. Katz’s storytelling is bolstered by a suspenseful plot that ensnares with its addictive twists and turns. The prose is rich with inventive metaphors and dialogue that bursts with life, making it an essential read for aficionados of the genre. | I devoured this book, reading it in one day! A heartbreaking story of a marvelous character, the day above being a regal prince, the day after being thrown away and psychologically hurt. A story of resilience and strenght: in our dark times we can and we HAVE to discover our hidden strenght, like a lone wolf in the winter’s coldest night. I liked the ambience, the places, the characters and I deeply connected with Torvik and his struggles. Thank you for writing his characters and for writing him so good (you have impressive writing skills, you held me captive from word one). My favorite character, though, was Lar(that dark-haired wonderful fiend!) |
Laurie Buchanan, author of the Sean McPherson crime thriller novels Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2024 | VeniVidiLegi Reviewed on GoodReads on March 21, 2024 |
★★★★★ Very Satisfying | ★★★★ Good Choice |
I loved this novella. The story, the writing style, the rep for a trans man… Absolutely stellar. And the revenge part? So. Very. Satisfying. | This was a very interesting read and though was short amd left me with such a cliffhanger i really did enjoy the whole journey. I was a little confused in places and took me a little while to understand what was going on. I only wish there had been so much more to it as i was really getting into it. (…) |
Sarah Emmer Reviewed on GoodReads on January 9, 2025 | Emma Reviewed on GoodReads on July 24, 2024 |
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